Unlocking the potential of energy communities
Creation, growing and management of energy communities

RESCHOOL improves the way energy communities operate by enhancing the technology and behaviour of their users. This will help to make these communities more efficient and effective in their use of energy.

Currently, the energy sector is responsible for 72% of the EU’s green house gas emissions, this situation calls for a rapid and effective decarbonization of all sectors. Reaching the sustainability targets negotiated under the Green Deal requires facing the green transition towards clean energy by increasing the renewable share and efficient use of energy.

RESCHOOL aims to increase the active participation of communities in energy markets, enhancing and facilitating the management and trading of flexibility in cooperation with sectoral players.

News & Events

4 pilots

16 partners from 7 countries

The RESCHOOL project consortium congregates the necessary competence and critical mass to ensure the achievement of the project goals and it brings together 16 partners from 7 European countries.

Our numbers

Starting date

01 January 2023


42 months


6,1 M €


16 partners


from 7 countries


4 pilots

Our objectives

Increase individual energy awareness

Create architecture for energy communities

Develop a suite of
energy services


the solution