Our objectives

Deliver trainings
To define, implement and validate a set of intergenerational training, transfers and engagement programmes for the dynamization (creation, awareness, participation, management) of local energy communities.

Increase individual energy awareness
To increase the individual awareness and responsiveness of energy uses at household and community level through gamification strategies.

Create architecture for energy communities
Interoperable architecture supported by a data model for the management of energy communities with aggregated interaction with flexibility markets.

Develop a suite of services
To develop a suite of services to support energy management and trading in energy communities, ready for integration and interoperation with third party solutions, and to provide an open collaborative solution with access to individual and aggregated energy data and capabilities to interact with legacy systems and third-party solutions in a secure and safe way.

Validate the solution
To validate a complete solution for the management of energy communities ready to operate with both, flexibility markets and behind the meter (legacy) systems, to elaborate a blueprint for the creation, development and sustainable management of energy communities including flexibility services, and to elaborate the guidelines and recommendations for the further replicability and exploitation of the developed tools and citizen engagement strategies.
Social tools
- Studying energy behaviour
- Gamification tools & serious games
- Training activities
- Citizen engagement activities
- Collaborative community platform
Technological tools
- Energy & flexibility modelling and forecasting services
- Aggregation, balancing and benchmarking services
- Optimised scheduling & energy management (congestion avoidance, peak reduction)
- Integration of various data management platforms